Wednesday, April 6, 2011

What the what?!

Soooooo...DID YOU GUYS KNOW THAT YOU CAN MAKE MONEY BLOGGING?!  And I mean a TON of money.  A girl in my English class today gave a presentation on Mormon Mommy Blogging, and this one lady makes so much from advertising on her blog that her husband was able to quit his job.  THAT IS INSANE.  You guys, I NEED TO GET IN ON THIS.  How do I make my blog awesome enough to make money off of it?

Also, did you know blogging is a GREAT way to procrastinate writing an eight-page paper?  Because it is!


  1. Dude let me in on this! I wanna make money too! I've been beautifying my blog and commenting on others in hopes to get more people to notice it. I even mage a FB and Twitter page for it! keep me in on the loop and I can help you beautify yours :))))

  2. IT'S A LOT OF WORK. it's a full time job to get your blog up to the point where you can make a TON of money off it.

    and sometimes your blog just has to be in the right place at the right time and then you know you just gotta have the right kind of blog... food blog or whatever... it should be that you blog about what your passion is and then the readers come naturally but some people also have amazing photo skills to add to their blog.

    i personally wouldn't want to sit at the computer every day just to make that much money, i'd rather to do something else to make that much money...

    and actually, i'd rather Mark provides for me, so I can sit outside in the sun and let the kids play...even better!
